Sustainable BioRemediation cleans up oil spill

3. June 2022

Oil and Gas


On the outskirts of the Danish capital, Copenhagen, a major gasoline spill at a Shell retail petrol station was seeping into the underlying groundwater. To save the reservoir supplying drinking water to the surrounding community, the international oil company had attempted to clean up the spill using traditional remediation methods but with limited success.

Putting BioRemediation to the test
That is why Shell consulted Ejlskov about the contamination and decided to test the global remediation leader’s innovative BioRemediation technology.

As the test showed spectacular results, the international oil company entrusted Ejlskov with the task of treating the polluted area. Based on its BioRemediation solution, which uses biological degradation to eliminate contaminants, Ejlskov was able to constrain the spill and consume the pollution causing no harm to the groundwater quality.

Cost-effective cleanup
The choice also fell on Ejlskov because of its less intrusive technology that would keep the petrol station operational during most of the remediation process preventing a substantial loss of revenue.

At a fraction of the cost of traditional remediation methods, Ejlskov completed the remediation of the polluted area within 30 months putting an end to any further contamination.

Full-scale application of Ejlskov BioRemediation including:

Ejlskov SiteScan reviewing the existing soil- and groundwater data to estimate the extent of the contamination. Ejlskov BioRemediation targeting the varying contaminant levels inside the impacted area.

Fast and dynamic installation allowing the daily operation to continue Groundwater monitoring to observe the migration of contamination.



Shell, Retail Petrol Station – Copenhagen, Denmark



Full-scale clean-up

Installation time

24 weeks


Hydrocarbons (BTEX), MTBE and TPH

Project area

1,200 square metres

For further information

– Watch the movie

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